Stay in touch with Bicester Concert Band in 2025
In 2024 we went along to one of Bicester Concert Bands performances at St Edburg’s Church. Here are a few photos.
We thought we would take the opportunity to let you know about Bicester Concert Band and how you can get involved with them. Firstly, though here is a little bit of history about Bicester Concert Band.
Bicester Concert Band was started as far back as 1996. A small group of musicians supported by Bicester Adult Education Centre began meeting in a cookery room at The Bicester School or more commonly known back then as Bicester Community College.
One thing led to another where they found good fortune recruiting Trevor Jones as their conductor who was a local music teacher and a former member of the RAF central band. Under Trevor’s leadership the band went from strength to strength being named Bicester Concert Band. Due to the band’s growth, they changed venue and located at St Edburg’s Church Hall.
Bicester Concert Band have regularly played their part in Bicester life. They regularly perform at civic events such as the Bicester Christmas Lights ceremony, Thame’s Remembrance service and at charity events and local fetes. They also linked up with Bicester Choral and Operatic Society and took part in Christmas concerts at St Edburg’s Church candle-lit carol service. They have regularly performed at the band stand in Garth Park.
If you’re a musician and want to further develop your musical gifts, then get in touch with Bicester Concert Band. They have many members and when places become available, they will let you know. Here is their email to touch base with them:
You can also book the band for events in the surrounding area. They can also tailor music to suit your occasion.
Visit the Bicester Concert Band website for more information and contacts.